Results According to our test results, the declining rates of the titers of RongSheng hepatitis B immunoglobulin and human tetanus immunoglobulin were 2 3% and 3.8% respectively. 结果推测蓉生乙肝免疫球蛋白及蓉生破伤风免疫球蛋白在效期内的效价下降率分别为2.3%和3.8%。
At present, the unique effective therapy is to inject tetanus anti-toxin ( TAT) or human tetanus immunoglobulin ( TIG) into patient to neutralize the exotoxin. 目前唯一有效的防治手段是及时注射精制破伤风抗毒素(TAT)或人破伤风免疫球蛋白(TIG),以中和血液中游离的毒素。